Title: Conference Room
little_ozzo (Jules)
Characters: Tony, Tim, Gibbs
Rating: PG
Challenge: #71, detour
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: These characters belong to DPB, CBS, Paramount, et al. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: I thought I’d try my hand at a drabble, because I am at work and bored out of my mind - but these things are hard!
Conference Room )
I love this character moment so much. The boys are so ... the boys and it is just like Gibbs to train them into one kind of behavior and then expect them to intuitively understand he means something else entirely. The pacing on this is just right, too.
And thank you so much! Glad the boys came across as such boys - which, BTW, I love your icon. That will never not make me grin. :-D
Sweet, me too! I've realized recently that I'm more character-centric than pairing-centric. I do tend more towards gen or slash than het, with some exceptions, but generally I'll latch onto a character and just follow them around. In this fandom, it's Tony, in Psych it's Shawn Spencer, in Spider-Man it's Peter Parker ... apparently I have this thing for moderately deranged, goody-two-shoes white boys? I don't know.
ETA: And so as not to comment -- yeah, I like scenes that can be read both ways. Tony and Tim make great best friends (who won't admit it) or lovers (who ... might not have actually slept together yet).
Psych is the funnest show ever, and the quality of the writing has just been ramping up for four seasons. You can just tell how much the writers and actors are enjoying themselves. Shawn is a bit like Tony on crack, and there's a character named Juliet who's a detective and has similar problems getting a bit too ... involved undercover, too. (Most recently, getting stressed out by not winning over the mother of a man she was pretending to marry to draw out a killer ( ... )
Okay, I'm defintiely sold on totally legally getting hold of Psych and watching it, Shawn sounds genius and Juliet sounds kind of awesome too - that's an ace storyline! Will definitely check it out.
I love re-visiting Firefly and Serenity every once in a while! I love Arthur, but am ridiculously behind on Merlin - my sacred Saturday nights have for some reason been really busy recently, but I have the first two episodes - and I'm going to miss this week, too, so first three - stored up and ready to go! Bradley James was looking really, really, ridiculously good-looking in all the promos though. I approve of this return of the fringe phase that is creeping over TV.
I would really, really recommend Sharpe, if you love Hornblower. Historical action FTW - and Sean Bean really was ridiculously pretty in the films. Like, seriously, cheekbonesLOL, don't worry about friending back, I wouldn't be offended - do I need to warn you that I talk, a lot, and most of it is just a really long way of saying, OMG, I love DiNozzo ( ... )
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