ooc; Premissions

Feb 18, 2020 15:50

Player Information
Player Name: Laura
Main LJ: ttanna6
Contact: [AIM] BonnieBunnyLass
[email ] lanky_lass [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

Character information
Character Name: Anna Kyoyama
Character Series: Shaman King
Game: discedo

1). Backtagging: Sure.
2). Threadhopping: Go ahead~
3). Fourthwalling: Usually no, but speak to me about it.
4). Canon puncture: No.
5). Offensive subjects: Go for it.

1). Hugging this character: Go ahead, she'll probably be too thrown to respond for awhile.
2). Kissing this character: Give it a try, but don't be shocked if you get a good slap.
3). Flirting with this character: Hahah! Go for it!
4). Fighting with this character: Sure. But remember she's a minor~
5). Injuring this character: Minor injuries, yes. More serious, talk to me.
6). Killing this character: Talk to me.
7). Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: No. See this post. If unsure, talk to me.
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