(no subject)

Jan 13, 2008 16:44

i just applied for the Cornell Summer FMS (Future of Minority Studies) Institute. wish me luck!! i'm not entirely sure how i feel about the material that will be covered, but a) it looks great on my CV, b) it will be a great experience and c) gets me an all-expense-paid trip out to the east coast for 2 weeks this summer.

which means, east coast peoples, keep your fingers crossed that i get this. because if i do, i'll be seeing you from the last week in july through the first week in august. we must talk about upcoming future plans...
and also pretty much reinforces the sinking feeling that i've had about not being able to make it out there for spring break. i don't have $400 for a ticket. so what would it take to convince you people to come and visit me? and, as a heads up, this also means (Seattle folks, er, folk, er...Ed) that i might drive up and appear on your doorstep. if you'll have me...

...right. call me or email me or something if you think you'd like to visit. (suddenly i feel like i'm applying to dating service or something...strange...)

i think. unless i get an invitation from California. which, given how much (i.e. none) work i've put into that possibility, is unlikely. maybe i'll just mail that fortune i got in the cookie in portland and see what happens.

now, into the shower, then Thai food with my coworkers, then a little light reading (yay Cultural Revolution!) then bed. and i'm totally wearing a dress tomorrow, complete with neat-o tights and pretty shoes. rain be damned.
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