Hey! You parents of not-yet-mobile infants at the egg hunt today? There is NO WAY your friggin' baby collected ALL THOSE EGGS by itself. Plus, plastic eggs are like the most perfect size and shape for LODGING IN A BABY'S WINDPIPE.
Have a heart, you selfish condo-flippers, and leave a few eggs for the children old enough to actually find them fair and square -and then not choke on them afterward.
Fortunately the Easter bunny's Jewish friend brought a dozen or so plastic chicken periods filled with stickers and chocolate and confetti. (Based on last year's grab-fest at Haas Park, she had a feeling there would be similar supply/demand problems.) hooray! The day was saved for Ellie and her friend Sabine (not pictured here).
Thanks Eastah Bunny. Bock bock!
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