Jan 14, 2012 22:32
Dear hubby is watching the Broncos vs. Patriots game -- don't you judge him -- whilst I tap away at the laptop (aka, "the other television"). All of a sudden this commercial comes on, featuring a passel of horrifyingly cute children in all the colors of the rainbow. I mean, diabetic-praline cute: cheeks appled, teeth missing, eyes brightened, ringlets rung. I mean, making the kids from the M&M's "Thanks, Easter Bunny" commercial look like a bunch of degenerates.
And? They take turns reciting parts of "John 3:16". Oh, HELL no. It's that "Focus on the Family" ad I've been hearing about.
When the commercial ends, I pick my jaw up off the floor and look over at Pat. He has this kind of "hah" expression - you know, sort of squinty in disbelief. Think Archie Bunker's face, immediately after Edith tells him that she has the same blood as Katherine Hepburn. Yep. THAT'S the face.
"Seriously, was that some kind of a joke?" I ask him. "Oh em gee, double you tee eff was that?"
"I dunno," he says, shaking his head.
Yet, this commercial was no joke, and at the risk of being all Debbie Downer here, I really do not think this is going to go away anytime soon. Not before November, anyway.
PS: Patriots creamed the Broncos. Hey, Tim Tebow? Where's your Messiah now? Nyah!
PPS: Yeah, I know, like I know from football. Shut up.
hey sports fans,