Aug 15, 2010 23:28
Just so all y'all don't think I've abandoned LJ for Your-Face-and-My-Assbook -- har de har! -- here is a post. Obviously I've been too busy playing Twelve-Year-Old Stupid Pun Maker --no, that's what it's called! I just made it up myself this summer! -- to spend much time blogging. Damn this "balance" crap.
A month straight with Ellie out of school and like no structured time is whooping my ass but good. Chicago's recent heat wave has me dancing across red-hot coals of OMG LIVING ROOM IS SAUNA BY HIGH NOON MUST FIND ACTIVITES AND/OR EVENTS RIGHT FUCKING NOW every day. Not that it's a bad thing necessarily, especially compared to last summer which had maybe three days of the temperature going above 70 degrees. Slack, Mommy, slack! But this heat? Oy. By dinnertime, I'm not sweating sweat anymore, just Park District pollution and chlorine from every pore of my skin. Yummy!
*checks own head to see if being a SAHM is still better than working dayjob in climate-controlled office* Yeah, pretty much.
Fortunately, we go on our better-late-than-never summer vacay on Wednesday. First part's in Pennsylvania, where we'll stay at my mom's watching my inheritance her horses run around plus also cable TV. We'll then hold our noses and stay with my dad for an overnight in fancypants suburban Philly, on our way to my mother-in-law's farm in Maine. Hooray! Nature! Wiglets! Swimming in ponds and rivers and not a wading pool 20 feet deep with children! Oh, there's also the Driving half an hour to get a decent cup of coffee! and Walking six blocks to get a cell phone signal! factors, but sometimes, ya gotta sacrifice.
In an attempt to not get literally 45 minutes of sleep the night before we leave, I'm trying to get packing done and errands run in advance. You can tell how well I am staying on task by my being on the Internets right now instead of folding laundry. Tomorrow night, I plan to take action toward my goal by riding my bike to a free outdoor showing of "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure". I know I should be dropping off spare keys at the catsitter's, but what the hell. It's not like Lucy will starve from two weeks of not eating. Why, she can practically do a month of fasting with one paw tied behind her back, as I recall...
pet pals,
things that don't suck,