Mar 07, 2005 01:53
UCLA, I never thought I would end up here. Well, maybe I did, but after Sunnydale became a huge crater I really didn’t put too much thought into college. All I had really wanted to then spend as much time as I could with Buffy. And I had. The trip to Rome was the best thing I could have ever asked for and finishing up High School there wasn’t so bad, not to mention meeting a bunch of cute Italian boys there. Plus I even learned a nifty new language.
Spending all that time away from the states had been good for us. I mean, it wasn’t all fun and games all the time. There was you occasional demon or vampire that did spring up every now and then, but Buffy seemed to be on top of that. And after destroying one hellmouth, seeing a vampire or two in the street was really not that big a deal.
But, we both missed the U.S. and well, we couldn’t really stay away from it forever. Having the time off from everything had been nice, but Buffy needed to back. And I wanted to come back to, start a new life. Try and have as much as a normal life a slayer’s sister could ever have. Not that I was complaining. I had learned a lot from my sister. How to defend myself for one. How to party like there was no tomorrow was another.
I was glad to be coming back, we had already applied to many different colleges around California. UCLA had been on my top five list and luckily my application had gotten accepted. Buffy had been so proud of me, and well as Giles, Willow and Xander when we called them to tell them the news. I remember everyone being ecstatic when I told them that I had received a full journalism scholarship for UCLA.
Several weeks later we said our goodbyes to Rome (and it’s cute boys) and made our way towards Los Angeles. It had been a long time since I had been in L.A. The last time I was here was when I was visiting my dad right before I went to high school. And boy, had things changed since I was last here. Buffy had said that same thing too.
But I was excited nonetheless. I decided that I wanted to take full advantage of the scholarship and live in the school campus. Buffy had been a little sad, but she had understood. She knew I needed my space. Besides, I was still gonna visit her on the weekends, and holidays.
Things were really almost normal. But one couldn’t really ask for more in life. There had been a few times were I had to accompany my sister while on patrol. That was cool. Plus, I did train with her too from time to time. She said it was good, just in case I ever needed to defend myself if I was ever on my own. And lets face it… this was L.A., and coming face with a hungry vampire was bound to happen sooner or later. -And hopefully that would be much, much later.-
Now here I was, standing in line the longest line I had ever been in at the bookstore. The place was packed, and I was already running late for class. All I needed was just one book. One book. But no… not only had the book been almost un-findable, but the line was ridiculous, and I really couldn’t wait any longer. I looked at my watch impatiently again for what seemed to be the fifteenth time in the last thirty minutes. I guess I was just gonna have to stop by the library later and see if I could use one of their copies.
I put the book down and rushed through the school campus. I could already see the look on Mr. Feeney’s face as he saw me waltz in late. Well, being ten minutes late was better than not being in class at all. Thank god the library was going to be open late today. I really needed to make copies of that passage if I wanted to get my homework done tonight.