also, i need your help!
i'm on the organizing committee for national public service week, and one of the things we're doing is a family feud game. so we need to poll 100 people to get the answers! it's canadian themed, so you probably won't know much if you're not canadian. there are 75 questions, which i know is a lot, but they're really simple, single word answers! just write your first response, the first thing that pops in your head! please help me!
i'll post the list behind the cut. please fill it out and post it in the comments, or e-mail it to me at amykins AT shaw DOT ca.
please! i need to get at least 15-20 of these filled out! and i need them ASAP.
1.Give me the reason people move to the East Coast
2.Give me the reason people move to the West Coast
3.Name a bank found in Canada
4.Name a beach in Canada
5.Name a benefit of living in Canada
6.Other than Surrey, name a city or municipality in BC
7.Other than the current one name a Canadian Prime Minister
8.Other than BC, name your favourite province
9.Name the top country that people immigrate to Canada from
10.Name the best thing about BC
11.Name the best thing about Canada
12.Name something that drew early Europeans to Canada
13.Name something that people consider to be “West Coast”
14.Name something you associate with the prairie provinces
15.Name something invented by a Canadian
16.Name something people consider to be "East Coast"
17.Name something people consider to be "East Coast"
18.Name an unusual way of getting from point A to Point B in Canada
19.Name an explorer that helped discover Canada
20.Name an image people associate with Canada
21.Name an Indian/First Nations tribe
22.Name a well known regional delicacy in Canada
23.Name a West Coast tourist attraction
24.Name an airline company
25.Name a University in Canada
26.Name a US state that borders Canada
27.Name a TV show that is/was filmed in Canada
28.Name a type of farming in Canada
29.Name a tall building in Canada
30.Name a romantic spot in Canada
31.Name a ski resort in Canada
32.Name a something you associate with Northern Canada
33.Name a provincial capital city
34.Name a provincial flower
35.Name a place you would like to visit in Central Canada
36.Name a place you would like to visit in Northern Canada
37.Name a museum in Canada
38.Name a natural disaster that happened in Canada
39.Name a major Canadian Industry
40.Name a method of travel in Canada
41.Name a mountain range
42.Name a grocery store chain in Canada
43.Name a historical Canadian
44.Name a hotel chain in Canada
45.Name a foreign food popular in Canada
46.Name a fruit grown in Canada
47.Name a gas station in Canada
48.Name a famous female Canadian Athlete
49.Name a famous male Canadian athlete
50.Name a country the Canadian Military is providing aid to
51.Name a cruise line that docks in Canada
52.Name a famous building in Canada
53.Name a famous Canadian Family
54.Name a famous Canadian female actor
55.Name a city in Canada whose name is also a city or town in a foreign country
56.Name a city or town in Canada with the highest elevation
57.Name a city or town in Northern Canada
58.Name a city or town in the Prairie provinces
59.Name a Canadian University or college
60.Name a Canadian vacation spot
61.Name a Canadian newscaster
62.Name a Canadian Statutory holiday
63.Name a Canadian TV channel
64.Name a Canadian TV Show
65.Name a Canadian city that is on an island
66.Name a Canadian export
67.Name a Canadian Festival
68.Name a Canadian Highway
69.Name a Canadian hockey team
70.Name a Canadian Hospital
71.Name a Canadian beer
72.Name a Canadian charitable organization
73.Name a Canadian comedian
74.Name a Canadian communication company
75.Name a natural resource of Canada