Thanks a lot,
eudaimon and
pjvilar. I feel compelled to do this now, especially since I'm stuck in two fics over some kissing. Sorry for being so posty!
THREE LINE STORIESLeave me a pairing and a prompt and I will write you a three-line story! The mood I'm in, they might well turn out to be smutty
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The muscles fought so long to control against the pull of one magnet to another magnet to another magnet
"I'm ready to be somebody's," Sookie says to her, and Pam has to wonder if this a dream. "You've always been honest with me, and the-Tara seems happy."
Pam doesn't even bother to feel guilty that she's getting what Eric's wanted for so long; Sookie is exquisite, and now she belongs to Pam.
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