I'm so tired I could cry

Oct 22, 2007 07:37

The Bach. party was a fantastic time. I'm getting old. My knees hurt. My hips hurt. I hurt the muscles in my back/neck. all just from dancing the night away. and While I enjoy the Micheal Jackson/ Cyndi Lopper songs from the 80s- it made me feel really OLD being at a club and listening to it. I was so worn out by 1:30 but the boys kept pulling me back out on the floor- i'm sure it was probably funny looking to anyone paying attention. I'd sit, get pulled up, boogie for 30 seconds until Josh or Ron or Jeremy turned away and I'd slide away and sit again to have the cycle repeat for the next half an hour! Good times!

LizzieB- sorry I jetted so early but I had to take care of the girls ;) and wanted to see the kids.

This is the second time in like a month I've been partying till 3 am. so unlike me!
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