Feb 13, 2007 00:11
I'm really freaked out. One of my friends was mugged while comming to Mather tonight. And it's not so much that he was mugged,although that's not great either. It's that it happened comming out of the Goodwin Arch on the Mather side. A well lighted,and even at 11:00 p.m. a well, trafficed area. There are dorms right there, and the Mather, and the path is well lit. It's a safe part of campus-it's not lower long walk or cresent street. It's a welll lighted, populated area. I'm not going to feel safe going from Mather to Elton after dark now, and that's 100 yards. I just can't get over where this happened. And it's just so close to where I live, in a safe part of campus...that part of campus is supposed to be safe. That's not a part I would have felt unsafe walking before, but now, I just don't think I'd feel safe going the 100 yards to Mather. And this was a not a small guy, unlike little tiny female me. I'm just...I don't know...I'm really upset by this. I've never really felt unsafe on campus before, despite all the stuff that happens on campus all the time, but that's all in specfic places. And I'm careful there, but for most places... And this will probably go away in a couple of days, but for right now, I don't think I'm going any where alone after dark.