Life's What YOU Make it!

Dec 31, 2007 20:07

My 2007 year in trips mainly.......

Ok tried an LJ cut, it's not happening. Hmmm?
Well it's my journal but I still want to keep this short and sweet. Yeah right, this is me! I write small novels for responses to my friends.
Ok here goes -

March - went to see Randy in "The Glass Menagerie" at the Guthrie in Minnesota. I went with my friend Bobbi and it was a fun filled 4 days. To this day, it's still my favorite Randy play. The play alone is brilliant and the cast was superb. The thing I have found lately in going to see a "Randy" play is that I end up getting to see actors I otherwise wouldn't know of. And I end up loving them too! I mainly think of Jonathan Epstein when I think of this.

April - went to visit my oldest and one of my dearest friends, Nikkie, in Iowa for her daughter's first birthday. That was a really fun trip and I couldn't love that little girl more if I tried. She has me, her mother and father (and their friends and families) all wrapped around her little finger. She is beyond precious!

July - Stockbridge with a big group of friends to hang out and just enjoy each other's company, drive to Salem to visit the Witch Museum (OMG what a lame show THAT was! I love the history of the Salem witches and so does my friend that turned us all onto to this idea to begin with! 2 and a half hours away, hello road trip! That was fun though) and drink and stay up til 4 am pretty much every night. Oh and we may have seen a play called "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". Randy, Jonathan and Linda, OH MY! Seeing Linda Hamilton on stage has got to be one of the coolest things for me EVER! I have loved that woman since I was six! *happy sighs*

August - back to Stockbridge with my friend Bobbi (yeah I know we hang a lot! Which is cool since my ass in in Oregon and hers is in Texas!) We saw "Mrs. Warren's Profession" and again Randy was in that. Plus side, I really liked it and again thought all the actors were very good. The lead, and I feel like a schmuck since I can't recall nor spell her name, was AMAZING! Holy cow she WAS that play. I thought Randy did very well (and shallow moment....he looked very good in all his period clothes. Waistcoats and hats, knickers with high socks and the wonderful little accent he sported.....*clears throat* I'm done!) But OMG that place gets humid, hot and sticky. I felt like I was in Oregon on a really hot day, you can bite the air it's so thick.
Nice moment, sitting on the steps waiting for Bobbi and I got to see all the actors come in. It was just cool to sit there and every time I would glance up another person would go past. I know it's a sleepy little town but every now and then, I love that pace.

October - to Arizona to visit my "little brothers" and their mom, Susan. Jim and Joe are 13 and 16 respectfully. Sweet boys and they think of me as their "big sis". I always like going to visit them because I can just relax, watch movies and be silly with them. Plus I get to see my other good friend Rosalinda and her whole family that I am terribly fond of. It's just nice to spend a few days or so with all of them. :)
Plus sandals and tank tops.....I love it!! I can show off my painted toes and get a little tan!

November - back to Iowa for Thanksgiving with the Shermans. Nikkie and I made the whole meal ourselves and we did a dman fine job if ya ask me. I think she wants me to come again next year, we shall see. We did the "Midnight Madness" at the local mall and that was CRAZY!!! Holy shit, I have never seen so many people in the mall! But we bought a lot, had a blast and it was a night (and part of the day) to remember. I also got to take holiday pictures with my baby niece and they came out so great. That was a real treat. Plus Bekkah and I exchanged gifts. She go tme the Hope ornament for St. Jude's Research (it's amazing) and some lovely jewelry and makeup. Little stinker got a hold of my earrings and broke them! She is 18 months, I can't blame her. :)

So let's see that's 6 trips! Damn! And I know right now I have at least two planned, two I always do (just needs dates) and then I am going to Toronto sometime this summer and I think I may do Thanksgiving again in Iowa!
Holy crap, I need to get on board with some frequent flier program or someting! Look how much my ass has been on a plane. That's a lot of peanuts people! LOL

Happy New Year to EVERYONE on my f-list!

randy, friends, stockbridge, traveling, trips

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