Spring Break Plans

Mar 05, 2006 17:06

Dear everyone who reads this Livejournal.

I need to know your Spring Breaks. Or if anyone of you conincide with mine, March 10-19. Because, I need to see my San Fran lovers. So, logically comment with your Spring Break dates, even if I asked you already because I forgot, so I need to write it down. NOW. SLUTS.

Only because I love you and need to be entertained.

Updates on my life:
- I have no boyfriend
- I have my first event on Wednesday and am terribly afraid of it going horridly and I'll never ever get adveritising chair
- I am going to be a Resident Health and Wellness Education in CEDAAAAH next year. Holla for the $1200 I'll be making to pay off my ridiculous loans!
- It is FINALLY above freezing!
- I have Spring Break FRIDAY!
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