Well, my exams are all done, and im so relieved!
They all went better than expected, so that's something to be proud of, although i was expecting to do shit on the last two, and shit to okish is how im expecting to have done *weeps* But it's all over now, time to enjoy the gorgeous sunshine and start thinking about my holiday. Adam is also done, so he is taking me out for a meal tonight as a treat to a Thai restaurant in town, plus we haven't been out on the town for a while, just us two.
Last weekend was pretty good too. Me and Adam went to London to the 'Mind, Body and Spirit' festival in Victoria, it was great fun, loads of people trying out new health foods and massages on you, loads of groups of people meditating, a psychic guy on the stage, plus loads of market stalls with a plethora of things to buy, i was desperate for a new quartz wand and Adam wanted a huge sculpted picture of Buddha, but we managed to rein ourselves in and remember were both poor students til we start work....then we went and spent £30 on some new health drink that promises a whole load of wonderful things, but i must say, im feeling very much full of energy since we started it! Its called 'Vemma' and contains the fruit Mangosteen and loads of added vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The website is
www.drinkvemma.net if your interested.
We also had a little trip to the British Museum after for me too ogle the Egyptian stuff and for Adam to look at the new Japanese section, he's obsessed with martial arts and samurai swords (being a kung-fu .......person) and loves the history of Buddhism stuff. So all in all it was a lovely day with a nice spiritual slant to it, and im hoping our meal tonight will be equally as nice.
Unfortunately our housemates majorly f**ked up on friday night by going out to celebrate their end of exams, which was fine, i still had two at that time, but i wasnt going to begrudge them their celebrations. But they decided (in all their wisdom) that coming home at 3:30am and making enough nose to wake me, when i had an exam that morning, was a good idea.....big mistake...Right now Adam isnt talking to any of them coz hes so angry that they woken me up and kept me awake til 6am, im hoping that it all blows over coz of our impending holiday in Newquay, but an apology would be nice. We haven't seen or spoken to them for the last two days.
Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine!