Aug 25, 2006 03:01
This really sucks, I can't sleep!
Every time I try to close my eyes and clear my head, my mind wanders at lightspeed through my bizarro train of thoughts (i.e. Grey's Anatomy, pole sticking through someone's spine, if I would feel any pain when it was my time to die, how I would die, if the life-line on the palm of my hand really tells how long I will live for, if Eve would remember me if I died today, what Eve would look like in twenty years, if Eve would become rich and famous one day. how broke I am at the moment, if out of sheer dumb luck I became rich one day, how my life would change, if my love for my husband would stay the same, and it goes on and on and on...)
As you can see, my mind just won't shut down and give me a break. At least while I type, my mind stops racing for a while.
Pondering the meaning of life gave me just about the biggest headache as well as added confusion and a truckload of nasty emotions. If you guys are wondering this post is so negative, well it's that time of the month. Yep. I feel like crying a river and drowning myself in it.
Ahh, good times, good times.
I have a question for you -- what do you think of before you fall asleep each night?
Well... it's nearly four in the morning now. I might as well try and get some sleep. G'night.