(no subject)

Jul 17, 2006 20:14

I'm so damn tired. x_X

My car has new tires and I polished it until I could count my eyebrows in my reflection. The Con will start soon and we still haven't planned out anything at all. >_<# At least we got reservations in an inn. The worst is I have my license only since 1st of June and I'm suppossed to drive the whole 4 hours. X_X ...somebody please shoot me. The other two girls don't wanna drive my car 'cause they say it's too 'big' for them.

That's what you get for driving puny cars like 'fiat' or 'smart'. >_<# At least one of them is willing to do it if I really get too tired.
...I dunno if I should be happy or afraid. -_-U

I also have top plan my vacation and my Dad offered me to take me to Hungary with him. He likes it there. I really consider going on vacation on my own. My sis is only 17 and she goes to Spain with her older friends.

I also thought I could visit other towns of Germany, Berlin for example. I've never been there imagine that!!! The Capital city of Germany and I've never been there, 'cause I live too far south from there.

Well I go plan my holiday some more and also for the Con, those lazy bastards who come with us just for that particular event didn't even lift a finger! Maybe I can get them to do something ..anything at all with my special 'persuasion' skills. XD XD XD

And here some meme's and quizzies to make me happy again. ^^

Yeah, yeah. No applause, just throw candy. XD

Little_Leila --


A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

I knew that was coming. o_OU

What will you be sent to prison for?
Being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You are innocent of any crime but nobody believes you because of your shady past! Ah well, the best things come to those who wait. Only another 10 years until you're free again!
What will you be sent to prison for? by Quiz Taker


I found this meme where you can actually choose your very own stalker from you LJ friends. I chose asa-chan. (I know she's stalking me. ^.~)

Stalking is illegal. Little_Leila confronts asa_chan.

asa_chan is stalking Little_Leila

asa_chan’s REAL name :
Heinrich Abrams

asa_chan’s REAL DOB :
31st October 1975

Height :165 cm
Weight : 68.1 kg

asa_chan has dreamt about you :
19 times

asa_chan became interested in you :
01st December 2004

asa_chan’s latest dream about you

Last night asa_chan dreamt that you had told them that you were leaving for good. asa_chan was just about ready to chop off your head with a samurai sword before the dream ended.

This is how asa_chan describes your relationship behind your back

‘If I didn’t have Little_Leila in my life I think I would chop my head off with my fathers razor. it really means that much to me.’

asa_chan’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

For the last year asa_chan has been pilfering Little_Leila’s mothers bras from her lingerie drawer.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

asa_chan had their tongue pierced just to win your approval.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

I wanna be your dog baby. Woof fucking woof, I’m coming to get you in my sheepskin jacket.

The Police

No. calls to the police :
1 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"I think there’s a bomb in our house. My friend left a rucksack in here and I can hear ticking."

asa_chan’s Police File

15 years of continual drug abuse has taken it’s toll on asa_chan’s psyche. Unstable and a potential threat to society.

Testimonies about asa_chan

dtkokoro - Suicidal wreck

‘To be honest there was always something about asa_chan that gave me the creeps. Gave off a really weird smell. Almost like a decomposing racoon.’

nekosupergirl - Geek isn’t the word

‘I can’t believe what I’m hearing! asa_chan a stalker? Well I suppose it makes sense actually. That bastard had really shifty eyes…’

scent_of_rain - Rotten heathen

‘asa_chan is pointlessness personified. I just wish they’d kill themselves or something.’

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