Apr 20, 2005 11:24
You're gay.
I went to San Francisco on Monday with Kenny, Amanda, and her mommy. Amanda made me feel like shit, and really very uncomfortable, but it's okay. She acts normal when I don't open my mouth or say antyhing to anyone, so I think that's how I'll act any time I'm with her and Kenny. At least that way only one person will feel awkward.
We went to This exhibit of REAL HUMAN CADAVERS! They were preserved in this stuff, and you could see everything..They cut pieces of muscle out into fans so that you could see the interior and exterior of the muscle. Real human eyes and brains and lungs suffering from tuberculosis. ne was standing holding it' skin on a hanger. One was a woman reading a newspaper wearing high heels. Another one throwing a baseball wearing a mit. All skinless. It was creepy with the eyeballs and such.
After seeing that, we went to the Rainforest Cafe...I had a beef wrap type thing, and I found some sort of artery or piece of muscle in my meat...It was long, hollow and rubbery with tiny offshoots...They apologized that took the price of my meal off the bill. Then I bought a plushie giraffe...I beat Alex with it. It's my favorite.
I spent the weekend prior at my Mommy's house with Alex. It was mine and my sister's birthday on Sunday. I'm 17, and she turned 2. I love her even though she cries for attention and I want to kick her sometimes. She calls me Happy. It was a really nice weekend over all. I got a car. Silver 92 Saturn with purple tinted windows...I love it. I need all kinds of crap to be done before I can drive it, though. Such as getting my insurance set up, getting license plates and getting it smogged. It's so nice though! Arrr! I really need to learn how to drive a stick shift like a pro. Hopefully I'm getting most of that out of the way today. Knowing how my family is, today will be two months from now.
I didn't get a job, and I haven't been looking for one. I really should do that, shouldn't I?