Here is the newest chapter of "House of Pullip". I hope you like it, I have a few things going on this time. :D
Chapter 187: Odds and Ends
Roxanne: Hi, Ronan!
Ronan: Hello Miss Roxanne, how are you today?
Roxanne: I’m wondering if you were able to get those things for my wedding I asked you for.
Ronan: Ah…yes…well…
Ronan: I gave the list to Miss Kiki, perhaps you should check with her.
Roxanne: You want me to check?
Ronan: It would probably be best.
*Roxanne scrutinizes Ronan*
Roxanne: Are you avoiding Kiki again?
Ronan: I would rather not discuss it.
Roxanne: Hmmm…I’ll take that as a “yes”.
*Melodie is walking alone*
Melodie: *sad sigh* Paige isn’t talking to me…without her how will I find who I can be a fairy godmother for?
*Melodie is distracted from her depression when she sees something interesting ahead*
Melodie: Oh…who is that?
*Melodie gets the place where she saw someone but no one is there*
Melodie: No one is here…I’d swear I saw someone…
Voice: *giggles in the distance*
*Melodie starts to run towards the laughing sounds*
Melodie: *smiles* I know I heard someone!
*Melodie peeks around a corner and sees…*
Melodie: *whispers* There are two of them…!
*The two little ones continue giggling, but they do not see Melodie watching them*
Melodie: *still whispering* I wonder who they are?
*Sebastian enters “The Sweet Shoppe”*
Kiki: Oh…hello, Sebastian. Can I help you with something today?
Sebastian: I am here for afternoon tea.
Kiki: *surprised* You came…for tea?
Sebastian: You invited me and I decided to take you up on that invitation…unless you did not mean it…?
Kiki: Of course I meant it! I just…well…I didn’t expect you to actually come.
Sebastian: Your tea is worth returning for, trust me.
Kiki: *smiles* That’s a nice thing to say. One cup coming right up!
*They drink their tea together and talk companionably*
To be continued...
I'm going to be pretty busy this weekend so I doubt I'll have another new chapter until Monday. I've been busier than usual in general so I've slacked off on my crocheting projects so I'm hoping to get back to that next week, too...I still have a few more animal ideas I would like to try. Plus I'm still toying around with the idea of opening an Etsy store to sell miscellaneous crochet projects and Pullip clothes I make from time to time, but I don't know about that yet. Anyway, have a nice weekend! :D