Here's the next installment of my photo story, "Impressions" :D
Part 15:
Alex: *moping*
Madison: *nervous* Alex?
Alex: Oh, hi Madison.
Madison: I heard about Rayna...I'm really sorry.
Alex: *sigh*
Madison: Did I say something wrong?
Alex: No, it's just everyone keeps saying they're sorry or asking if I'm okay. I wish everyone would just stop and just leave me alone!
Madison: ...okay, I'll just leave then...
Alex: No, wait! I'm sorry. Please don't leave. I want you to stay. Let's just not talk about...that.
Madison: Okay.
*Sebastian is watching them talk from a distance*
Sebastian: I don't like this...
*Sebastian continues watching them closely*
Sebastian: Madison is I'll put a stop to this.
*Alex is feeling a bit happier, Sebastian enters*
Alex: Hey dude, I was just talking to your sister.
Sebastian: Yes, I saw that.
Alex: She's...really nice.
Sebastian: Yes, she is very tender hearted, but also very vulnerable.
Alex: *nods*
Sebastian: Are you attracted to her?
Alex: What?
Sebastian: Do you intend to pursue her?
Alex: Whoa, it's not like that! My girlfriend just broke up with me. Honestly, I'm not even thinking of Madison along those lines right now.
Sebastian: Will you promise me not to pursue Madison, even in the future?
Alex: *uncomfortable* Er...I guess. But is this really necessary?
Sebastian: Please just trust me. I know what is best for Madison.
Alex: If you say so...
A While Later...
Sabrina: Sebastian told me you are teaching him to talk to butterflies.
Paige: That's right.
Sabrina: Why would he want to learn that?
Paige: I have no fact, I really don't understand him at all. One minute I hate him and then the next I don't know... *sigh*
Sabrina: *laughs* I know just how you feel.
Paige: Tell me, what is he really like?
Sabrina: He's...complicated. I've known him all of my life and yet I don't even get him most of the time. One thing I do know is that he is dedicated to Madison.
Paige: He must love her a lot.
Sabrina: Oh yes, more than his own life, I'd say. But sometimes his dedication to her goes too far.
Paige: What do you mean?
Sabrina: Well, Madison is interested in a relationship with Alex. Sebastian is convinced it's not right or she'll get hurt or something so he said he would anything to stop it.
Paige: *irritated* What business is it of his?
Sabrina: He makes everything concerning Madison his business.
Paige: I see. *calm on the outside, angry on the inside*
To be continued...
I'm planning on taking regular photos of my dolls this weekend, hopefully it won't rain. I'm also still trying to win an auction for those photography lights and other things, but it's just not happening, these items seem to be highly sought after and the bidding is really competitive...I'm just not good at that kind of bidding on ebay. Oh well...nothing to do but keep trying, right?