I'm sure you've had enough of my babble (I know I have) so this will be *mostly* a doll photo post...yay!
This is Madeline, my Lati yellow Lami, and she's wearing a panda dress I commissioned from Jadeness Couture. I wanted it specifically to go with her panda shoes. ;)
This is Charlotte. Notice I've changed her hair and eyes, before she had black hair and green eyes. I really wanted her to be green-eyed, but I love her so much with these brown ones I will probably keep her this way instead. She has also "stolen" Piper's wig. :P But I got a new wig for Piper (see next photo). Charlotte wearing a new shirt from Jadeness Couture, plus stripey tights from catwalkangel on Etsy (a seller I highly recommend!)
Speaking of Piper...here she is with her new wig. She's hanging out with her Daddy, Hawk. ;) This is the second wig I tried for her...however, I have yet another wig on the way for her to try out. I like this wig, I think it's adorable, but it doesn't fit well and without that headband on her head she has a bit of a conehead look about her. Yeah, I don't like that! So maybe the new one will improve this...we shall see.
This is the last one...for now. :P It's Tati wearing a little dress I bought on Etsy from seller catwalkangel (I mentioned earlier). This is a newish seller on Etsy I discovered and I'm very happy with her and her store. Her prices are good, she ships lightning fast, and she is super nice. I've had two transactions with her in less then two weeks and they were both perfect. She also liked this photo of Tati so much she asked if she could use it for on sales page for this dress. :D
Okay, quick question: I have a personal website where I've been keeping the archive of all my past doll photo stories. The problem is I hardly use the website at all, it mostly just sits there. It's costing me about $100 a year to keep the domain name and hosting, which is such a waste for a website I don't use. So, I'm likely going to shut it down (it's cheaper a year for me to pay for a Flickr pro account and a paid LJ account together, and I use both much more often). My problem...what should I do with my story archive? I'd really hate to lose all of it and only some of it is currently saved on this LJ. Any suggestions? I don't want to continue to pay $100 a year just to keep my story archive. :\