Nov 24, 2004 22:43
.The peOple/things im thankful fOr. My family who even though sometimes might annoy me and bother me i still love with all my <3 especially my mOmmy whO without my life wOuld be incomplete. My friends i love you all bur bur muchO + i thank you guys for all the great advice and for all the good memories. But no one compares to VICTORIA SECRETS who without i would have no underwear :)!!
Yesterday was a good day. I spent the whole day in the auditorium with michelle and ms.ingrid but everyone else joined us too (steph,leilei,ronnie,joseph,alekz,vale) so we had fun it was like a big group gathering !! Ms.Ingrid order chinese food for me and michelle which was really good :) !! Then at nite i dressed really pretty (nice red capris w/ a black and red corsette top and black heels)i was hott lol !! Everyone sat together i had chicken (ronnie) save a whole roll of seats which was kind of difficult for him lol but he accomplished it !! Then today was a blah day i got to 2nd period and little ms.ashley informed me that we had 3 test so i said NEGATIVE and i wrote mr.c a contract stating that i would make up ne work that i missed in his class by Dec.17,2o04 and since his cool he said yes !! wOw big relief .. During 4th periOd i saw the movie "white chicks" which is funny but after seeing it like 6 times it just get obnoxious. + at around 12:30 my mom went to pick me up, i came home and slept till about 2:30 when i had to get up for work. It was like any other day at work (boring) but hey i got paid so that made it interesting yay!! geez im tired of writing hope i didnt miss anything <3 you all very muchO toOdLes.Jenny.
HapPy gObbLe gObbLe tO everyOne !!