And so it begins...

Jan 21, 2003 12:55

The prophecies foretold are true. I have come.

For all of you who send naked titty shots of yourself to your ex when you've found out he's broken up with his current, this is for you. Perhaps I shall acquire one of these photos and post it here. Then we can see your true form and not just muddy grainy icons.

Yea, he will not forget the reason he broke up with you in the first place, because every word out of your mouth was a lie. Hell, even the father of lies is impressed with such ongoing and complete deception. It was also a nice touch when you broke into his AIM, pretending to be him and IM'd nasty words to all of his female friends.

It seems ye of little truth has problems enough keeping the current boyfriend. A stroke of genius to buy him back with some musical equipment! The evil one is absolutely titilated at the purchase of love! Perhaps he should find out that you are still not over the boy you dated 3 years ago for two whole months. Wonder how many amps it will take to buy him back after that??? Imagine being DUMPED again.

Do not mess with the dark forces, dearie. They know all about you. This is enough for now. We have more, if you so desire. You cannot selectively edit out the comments that you don't like here. This is my realm.
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