Aug 11, 2004 15:59
jem has a new girlfriend, and for those of you who think im a skank/whore, she is WAY worse than me, at least i know how to cover up my fat arse so yeah
arh, i have so much on atm and im fucking sick with the flu and a head cold that jemerys skanki girlfiends gave me.
so i have to find time to get better between, school, the ministers awards, gang show(blergh) audditions, three dance parties, a forum, a conference, trying to find a place to live, commiting carious murders(or organising them at least, catching up with friends, work, work, and trying to have a social life im pretty fucking tiered.
i cant wait till the fals this year, pretty much the whole drama center is going and we are going to havethebeast time ever, it is going to rock, let alone the fact that i am going to be so fucking high its not going to be funny (broady is going :D) and all my fav people are gonna be there yay and i dont have work for three days after so i will have time to recover wikid
this summer is gonna go off, the council has come to the party in a big way and everyone is gonna love it
well ciao bella's