Title: The Art of Deciphering Genre: science-fiction Warnings: none Words: 1591 Challenge: brigits_flame , November 2009, week 2, topic: key AN: I believe I might expand this story eventually… ( Enter the land of Leets )
OMG...a bitter war looming between the Leets and the Nooms to control, *gulp* the internet! The futuristic side of me luvs, luvs luvs this stuff! I would buy it!
I do not typically enjoy this genre, but I did get hooked rather quickly. I understand that you were bound by word count restrictions, but I would love to see more backstory on the history between the two cultures and what led them to this point. It was an interesting concept, and your offhand use of terms like "algocars" and "nutrisup" seemed very natural and unforced. Well done!
Thank you very much for the edit! Don't worry, the edit didn't go further than I wanted; I'm a newbie so I'm still getting used to the different levels of editing anyway. I'll work through my story again and correct the things you mentioned. I've got a slight obsession with languages (and am taking several courses on language this semester even though I actually study biology), so I couldn't resist using this aproach to the topic. ;-) Once again, thank you!
Thank you for the edit! I'll work through the story again and break those overloaded sentences down into shorter ones. I'm afraid long sentences are a bad habit I need to get rid of... Once again, thanks!
Comments 10
I'll work through my story again and correct the things you mentioned.
I've got a slight obsession with languages (and am taking several courses on language this semester even though I actually study biology), so I couldn't resist using this aproach to the topic. ;-)
Once again, thank you!
I'll work through the story again and break those overloaded sentences down into shorter ones. I'm afraid long sentences are a bad habit I need to get rid of...
Once again, thanks!
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