Droplettes Decant circle

Feb 02, 2007 19:28

Hello there! It's come to my attention that we have a new perfume oil company that's been generating quite a bit of buzz in the last few weeks, found here: http://www.blooddrop.com/Bath.html . I've been dying to try every one of their scents and I've decided the best way to go about that is to open a decant circle!

There oils are sold in drams. Thanks to my handy-dandy online GourmetKitchen conveyer, I've found that 1 dram = 3.7 mL = 8 1/64mL decants.

I am only selling these in approximately 70% of the traditional 1/32mL decants because I don't want to charge over $3 a decant, seeing as I'll be keeping one of each as well : )

So each decant will be $1.75 + $2.00 for shipping/decanting/packaging. I would prefer to collect most of the money before I place a humungo order, simply because that makes me feel safer, not to mention less broke. If that bothers/worries you, however, contact me! You can use the comments to email me at m_zhou17 AT yahoo DOT com.

Plus, in the spirit of the online perfume oil community, I'll include a surprise gift in every order : )

Without further ado, here we go!

Solo Scents:
These scents are "simple" or "pure" or "single" note scents. - This batch is limited to the month of February!

Dark Chocolate
1. Me
2. tempestteapot
3. lordess
4. jade_starlight
5. charleeg
6. sangria2

1. Me
2. tasty
3. tempestteapot
4. jade_starlight
5. for_the_nonce
6. sangria2

Honey - FULL!
1. Me
2. tasty
3. tempestteapot
4. sweeteepea
5. honey_cat
6. jade_starlight
7. thefragrantelf
8. sangria2

Bonne Nuit - FULL
A soft gentle bedtime scent. Powdered blossoms, spun sugar, lavender and a kiss of vanilla.

1. Me
2. tasty
3. honey_cat
4. thefragrantelf
5. porcelain72
6. galenx
7. tempestteapot
8. for_the_nonce

Cafe Zazou - FULL
Incredible dark and smooth French roast coffee with whole milk and two sugar cubes, a piece of dark chocolate and a petit gateau sec au marrons. Café Zazou is the perfect response for a little afternoon rest in between visiting Monmartre and Le Centre Pompidou.

1. Me
2. honey_cat
3. lordess
4. jade_starlight
5. thefragrantelf
6. charleeg
7. for_the_nonce
8. galenx

Cavity Creeps
Your teeth will ache just smelling this one! Bakery sweets galore: chocolate chip cookies, ice cream and sugar sweetened oatmeal spice bars.

1. Me
2. tasty
3. honey_cat
4. jade_starlight
5. thefragrantelf
6. tempestteapot

Delicieuse - FULL
Thick and sultry honey and vanilla with a sassy kiss of peppermint.

1. Me
2. tasty
3. honey_cat
4. jade_starlight
5. for_the_nonce
6. galenx
7. anchordown
8. tempestteapot

Eiffel Tower
Amber, fig, peach, caramel and oak moss blended to create a very chic, glamorous and elegant scent preferably while wearing heels.

1. Me
2. tasty
3. honey_cat
4. porcelain72
5. for_the_nonce
6. galenx
7. tempestteapot

Festival of Light - FULL
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'hadlik neir (shel) chanukah. ("Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to kindle the Hanukkah lights.") To honor my husband’s family’s tradition, I wanted to create a Hanukkah scent. This is my favorite Jewish holiday, not for the eight days of gift-giving, but because I enjoy lighting the candles on the menorah each night so much! I created a warm, glowing, ‘golden-orange’ blend with amber, tangerine, honey and a touch of vanilla.

1. Me
2. honey_cat
3. thefragrantelf
4. charleeg
5. anchordown
6. tempestteapot
7. earthdotprime
8. for_the_nonce

Hubba Hubba - FULL
Hot damn! Whoohoo! Wink, wink. How the heck do you type “sexy whistle?!” A wonderfully sassy and sexy scent. Effervescent ginger ale, mouth puckering cinnamon red hots, black tea and a cheeky sweet muffin!

1. Me
2. honey_cat
3. lordess
4. thefragrantelf
5. porcelain72
6. for_the_nonce
7. tempestteapot
8. earthdotprime

Happy Birthday
Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting and vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting! Great little scent to offer as a birthday gift to a friend. If specified and time allows, I can personalize this bottle to say “Happy Birthday, (insert name)!”

1. Me
2. sweeteepea
3. honey_cat
4. lordess
5. thefragrantelf
6. tempestteapot

Star Light, Star Bright
A bouquet of white scents. Milk, cala lily, noix de coco, chamomile flowers and white angel food cupcakes.

1. Me
2. tasty
3. honey_cat
4. porcelain72
5. tempestteapot
6. earthdotprime
7. for_the_nonce

Zodiac Club, The - FULL
I absolutely loved the Zodiac Club in the movie “Bell, Book and Candle.” My husband and I said if we ever opened up our our club, that’s what it would be called. So in honor of the bar we probably won’t ever open, I’ve created this scent. A melange of the esoteric and bohemian: ginger, peppercorn, a backdrop of smoke and sweetened clove cigarettes.

1. Me
2. sweeteepea
3. honey_cat
4. thefragrantelf
5. charleeg
6. anchordown
7. tempestteapot
8. earthdotprime

ETA: ebay feedback: http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=jqmz17&ssPageName=STRK:ME:UFS
feedback for BPAL swaps on forum: http://feedback.bpal.org/censura.php?cmd=details&itemid=6852

Also, PLEASE include your email with your request, it makes things 100x easier : )
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