Sep 06, 2006 19:47
Conversations I've heard in the past few days:
"You idiot! You're supposed to drive AROUND trees, not over them!"
Guy1: Did you just tickle my armpit?!
Guy2: No!
Guy2: Okay, maybe.
"Greg, I'm half an hour late because I was handing my I.P in to Richard."
"Your op?"
"My ip."
"Your op ip?"
"Ip. I.P. Independent Project."
"Investigative project."
"INDEPENDENT project."
"Sit down and shuddup before I mark you late!"
"I hit a swan."
"With my car."
"Swans are kind of big."
"Well, so's my car."
And in Richard's classroom today...
"Richard, what's this about a personal statement?"
"Richard, how much is 10% over the word limit? 1200?...oh. So would they accept 2300 then?"
"Richard, can you spellcheck this?"
"Richard, I can't find my candidate number!"
"Richard, the formatting's gone stupid!"
"Richard, my bus leaves in fifteen minutes, can you check this for me?"
"Richard, I've run out of print balance...."
"Richard, how do you do appendices?"
"Richard, have you got a stapler?"
"Richard, how do you do footnotes?"
"Richard, Leonie texted me and said she can't come in today...."
"Richard, what do you mean by duplicate copy? What? Now?"
By the way, Richard was teaching a completely different class at this time. We had all panicked at the end of lunch and led a manhunt until we discovered him with his Line 5 class in a computer lab.
He was frantic to discover a gang of hysterical Line 4'ers converging on him, with his line 5 class in front of him going "Richard! Richard, about my IP...."
And on top of that he discovered two students had called in sick and just emailed their IPs to him - but he needed them to sign stuff to make it valid. I discovered him in the library, stealing their stapler and hacking into the student records to find out Leonie's mobile number.
It was nearly as bad as psychology . That was due at 3:30pm Friday at the absolute last point, our teacher Jess told us. She expected most of them on the Thursday before though, of course. Friday was simply a last chance.
When I barged into her office at 3:45pm Friday, I discovered nearly thirty students crammed into it, resting their plan sheets on everything - walls, doors, windows, computers, other people - to try and fill them in and sign them at the last minute.
To Jess's credit, she didn't panic. She was sitting at her computer playing Solitaire. This was, I think, because she actually didn't care if we passed or not. No skin off her nose. Whereas Richard was actually ringing up students' parents and saying "So-and-so wasn't at school today, I'm really worried, if they don't hand in their IP by 5pm today they fail the course and are crossed off the course register...."
Anyway, I'm sorry to rant on about IPs. "Not more bloody IP nuff" you're probably saying.
Yeah well.
I haven't much else to say. I discovered a very long red velvet dress at an opshop today, bought it for a joke (it was $7). Amelia, my sister, was with me. She bought a blue cocktail dress too.
When I got home we tried them on for a laugh.
But apparently I looked very good in it, so I've been conned to keep it for a New Years Eve party and told to wear it to that.
I'll send you guys piccies. You need a laugh or two. You're all looking a bit peaky. Who am I to talk though? These early starts are killing me. A complete stranger at the bus stop told me I looked tired.
Thanks, complete stranger. How kind of you.
Much love, my little tortillas!