Nov 23, 2006 20:55
Hmmmm I havent updated in ages as i have abandoned my trusty livejournal for the world of myspace.
Feeling a bit blah this week been trying to get lots of work done but am failing miserably oh well.
Try harder tomorrow.
Also my favourite lecturer John is leaving to go to the Met college in January, so we will probably get someone who is rubbish, and John is pure good, it is quite unfair hmf.
I got terribly fucked last week at LFO at le artskool, im not sure if i should be embarrassed or not as i cant remember, so i will be a little just incase.
Was sick in the sink in the morning then again in a bin at work, terrible, especially when my boss's boss came in and i had to hide the bucket under my desk.
Feeling excited about christmas despite it beeing over a month away, the rules in my household baout not speaking about it before december have slackened and i seem to have got at least 3 oor 4 decent conversations about it on the go.
Not feeling great about constantly being referrred to as 'the fat sister' suppose i should do soemthing about it. But i wont coz im too lazy.
Also hate working all the time but constantly ebign skint... It sucks.
Tomorrow holds a visit to loxleys, hate the distance, also the shady lanes you have to go through to get there.
Might get a taxi, if I find £10 on the ground tomorrow.
*Heres hoping*