the [not so] divine comedy

Sep 16, 2008 21:31

My friend of 14532596 years and I have been having a heated discussion for the past couple of days (through MySpace) on "Hell's Dynamics". He doesn't think it's fair for ANYONE, no matter what they did, to be down there for Eternity. I, on the otherhand, do. I mean, people are CONSCIENCE of what they're doing. If they know something like MURDER and RAPE is morally wrong and continue doing it without repenting, why should they be forgiven?

Patrick: if someone killed an entire family he deserves to be put into [hell] forever? that's fuckin forever. can u fathom forever? even begin to think what forever is? and to spend it in solitode would be torcher that no one deserves... if you spent a year in a cell by yourself u would go crazy. and the guy deserves to be alone forever = 1 year x forever. i dont think thats just.
Me: you don't think that's just?
Me: you think Hitler shouldn't be in hell forever? oh just let him be there a few 100 years and then, meh, let him into heaven. what the hell. i mean nevermind that the people who're in heaven worked their whole lives to be in good-standing with God. they followed his Law and repented their sins. meh, sure hitler killed himself never once repenting the millions of lives he destroyed. but im sure he learned his lesson by now. right?
Me: pat, why should God show them the mercy that these monsters refused to all those others?
Me: idk but hell seems fair to me. someone who [tortures] another human being and takes a PERSONAL PLEASURE out of that and never once thinks "well fuck, i shouldn't have done that im sorry" should be in that dark hole for a million+ years. feeling what they made their victims feel.
Patrick: first off a million of years still comes nowhere near forever :/ forever is forever. im trying to wrap my head around it. sending someone to be isolated forever is worse than killing worlds of people i think. if someone could send another to hell forever that would be way worse than murder i think.

[still in process]

Well, I DON'T THINK THAT >:O I want to explain my logic to this boy: what Hell is and why it's used for punishment but I don't know enough. And he's Christian, too! But he's just confused, for a lack of a better word.

Anyway! I wanted to ask you guys because his opinion intrigues me:

Do you think HELL is just? The idea of being punished for eternity? If so/not, why? Does your belief have a different (better/worse) version of the Burning River? Dante's Inferno?


wtf, religion, patrick, omg

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