
Jul 03, 2005 09:01

First week of BCC is over and I'm still alive.Psyc and Anthro seem alright...short stories is what might kill me...I don't know why i took it again =/ but anyways...

My dad is being his usual asshole self again..excuse my language but its true.He finds everything and anything to piss me off and he's a jerk he never helps me out.He doesn't want to be "BOTHERED"..sakjfhkjsafh.
Kate says "oh he doesn't want to yell at you, he's like my dad they just want the best for you" so yeah I would be sooo happy if Tito Arnold was my dad...like SOOO happy.They are no where near the same.My dad 1. doesn't socialize 2. critizies EVERYTHING 3. just sits there and watches the stock market fall deeper and deeper...

this is another one of those OMG 930+ days til im out of this house vents..I'm DEFINATELY going to do summer term at whatever school i go to after I graduate.DEFINATELY.

I miss my seniors...=(...
I should call ross and murali and all them sometime...hm...lol.

anyways...I'm off to look at some dev. psyc..wo0t.so much fun...haha.

New love for Coldplay b/c of mr.ross michael
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