destined, the e-book

May 02, 2012 20:45

Don't think it's important, but for an old-fashioned reader as me, buying an e-book is a big thing. I've never done it. untill yesterday.
yesterday, as it was released in the English Market, I bought an electronic copy of "Destined" By Aprilynne Pike, the fourth and last chapter of the saga of the Avalon faeries wrote by her.
But, really, there was nothing else I could do. "Illusions", the third installament in the series, was released in Italy just a month ago or so, and I was suppposed to wait, as said by the publisher company, at least another year to get it in Italian.
I still get it next year, just to read it again and to ahve the complete series in my little library, but, well, I really couldn't wait any longer to know everything there was to know.

(btw: I already red 6 chapters out of 28)
(btw2: wait tomorrow for a couple of rnatings about the Italian Version of the mentalist episode of teh fourth season, fugue in red)

aprillynne pike, books, rambling, the mentalist, e-book

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