meme 2014-15 edition

Jan 19, 2015 16:44

 1. What is the most recent show/scene that made you laugh out loud? 
It was a guest from Fabio Fazio's late show "Che fuori tempo che fa", Abbatantuono, about the brand new tendency of Italian elders of buying particular kinds of showers and tubes.....

2. What is the most recent show/scene to made you tear up/cry/get leaky eyes?
Teresa Lisbon telling Jane she loved him. After seeing him with her newborn nepew. (The Mentalist)

3. What show/scene boiled your blood (pissed you off)?
Ah. Well, in Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Ward being revealed as Hydra. Also, in Broadchurch, season 2, the Latimers attacking DS Miller- like it was her faut the whole thing and she wasn't a victim too.

4. What show/scene made you feel all mushy (aka feel good/happy)?
Patrick Jane confessing his love to Teresa Lisbon as she was flying off to get married to another man- and her reciprocating. AND THE KISS.

5. What TV scene from what show will you never forget?
Patrick Jane and Teresa Lisbon kissing. for the first time.

6. What show(s) are or were popular but you never got around to watching it?
Scandal and The Fall.

7. If you would bring back one show and one character what/who would it be?
X-Files for the shows- and Howard Stark as a character 8adult version. Even if I really don't mind Domenic Cooper playing him..)

8. If you could rewrite one scene/death/plot twist what would it be and how would you change it?
I wouldn't have Jane telling Teresa he loved her on a plane. such a clichè, seriously. At the door?  Yeah.

9. What movie would be a good TV show?
Jurassic Park? The Gladiator? Star Trek?

10. What character do you think best represents the real you?
Rodney MCKay from Stargate Atlantis-'cause it aired for free just now in Italy, so yes, I'm using him :)

11. What characters from what show(s) you would like to kill, marry or fuck?
Kill Ward from Agents of Shiled, fuck either John Constantine from the namesake show or Hunter from Shiled (or Hook from Once Upon a Time) and marry special agent Mick Rawson from criminal minds suspect behavior, or Rodney McKay from Stargate Atlantis.

12. What time period or historical event/person "deserves" a show----like Attila the Hun, Pol Pot, Elvis, Marie Curie, Rasputin, etc...?
There should be more Victoria/steampunk era shows.

13. What book/comic would make a good TV show?
something minor players x-men book- such as Mutant X. The real one, thought.

14. What genre would you like to see more of on TV?
medical drama!

15. What show would you do a spin off and with whom?
I'd want a spin-off for kristina yang's life in Europe after she left Grey's Anatomy.

16. What character is misused?
Sadly, I think the Winchester brothers.

17. Which older actor/actress would you like to see on TV?
I would have said Bakula-but now he does have a show.  So...  Sybill Sheperd.

18. If you could be any character in a TV show who would you be?
Neela from ER....oh, it's too old? Well...  Dr. Jennifer Keller from Stargate Atlantis.

19. What stand up comedian should get his/her own show?
In Italy, we should have more Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo.

20. Are american TV shows to "puritan" about showing the human body? 
Oh dear, yes! I mean, censorship on tattoes???

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constantine, tv shows, agents of shield, criminal mind: sb, tv meme, meme, x-files, the mentalist, stargate atlantis

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