Borrowed from ruuger....
"Post a sentence or two from as many of your WIPs as you want, with no context"
* He wasn’t reading her mind, but he knew what her dilemma was, and she didn’t need for him to end his sentence to know what was in his heart, because for how complicated he was on the job, Rodney was a very simple man when it came to his feelings.
I’ll understand if you’ll decide to stay here, but I want you to know that I’ll not wait for you, that I’ll not follow you; not because I don’t love you- but because I think I love Atlantis and my life there just too much to risk eventually resenting you.
* “Mr. Jane” Kim started, her hand trying to find his own on the table. Jane’s eyes fell on her fingers, and for some reason, it felt wrong, too intimate, worse than kissing Erika to get her guard down, worse than having sex with Lorelai to get to Red John. “New evidence has surfaced in your case, and the DA has decided to drop any charges against you. We don’t…”
“Agent Abbott, you mean”
*Umibozu almost doubled over with laughter. Platonic? Like a sister? Apart from the fact that he doubted there was any element of the female gender that didn’t aroused Saeba; however, he remembered at least a couple of occasions when the good old Ryo had drooled in a trance behind Kaori; therefore, unless in addition to being a maniac Ryo didn’t believe in incest, too, he doubted that he could see Kaori as a sister.
*“Emma, dear. Again stealing my colors, I see… and the trench coat, too. I have to say, I thought you had your own style…” she turns to Scott once again, but she can’t help but glaze once in a while at the cyber-setting. “Oh, lord. I can’t believe you survived until now..."
*Tonight’s the night, Teresa thought as she walked back home from work that Friday evening. Sighing and blushing like she was still a teenager instead of the grownup cop she was, she felt herself filled with both dread and anticipation at the same time. And yet, instead of the bubbling joy she had always assumed she would have felt on that very day… she felt only nervousness.
*They were stupid, nothing; they couldn't see that their precious serial killer was right before their eyes, they didn't even believe him when he tried to explain that the smiley was to mock them, show them how small, insignificant they were- and how couldn't it be otherwise? He knew everything there was to know, could see the smallest details, had insight on the mind of a serial killer like none other; and did they suspect him? Of course not -they were such idiots to believe he was a psych.
Sweet Lord. The world was full of marks...
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