Title: Anniversary
Author: Little_Firestar
Fandom: X-Files
Characters/pairings: Fox Mulder/Dana Scully
Genre: Romance;Hurt/comfort
Status: Complete (2/2)
Rating: K+
Summary: They have known each other for over 20 years. He doesn't regret anything, but he can't help but wonder if she does, if, one day, she will. Because if Da saved him, he fears he broke her. But he shouldn't understimate her. If she stayed it's because she wanted to. Because since that faithful day, he has been her everythin: co-worker, partner, friend, lover. Even the father of her child.
Notes: set post-series. References to the whole show, the movie "X-Files: I want to believe" (AKA X-Files 2) and set post aforementioned movie. References, especially in chapter 1, of the brand new comic book. Done by Carter himself, by the way. So, yeah, pretty goodX-Files stuff there. And in continuity, too. (well, there is a reason the comic book it's called X-Files season 11...)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9429535/1/Anniversary - AO3 (coming soon)