people and writing and a bad mood

Apr 19, 2013 08:26

So, I am slightly mad and I had a terrible week and an enormous lack of good sleep, ergo, according to twitter guidelines, I really shouldn't be here writing this, but what the hell. I know I ranted with tromana all night long, but this morning I woke up feeling even worst, so, here I am. Writing and complaining.
Because, dammit, I am a good person. I work six days a week, from 7 to 20, an honest job,I take home homeless animals and take care of them, i don't get drunk-I do drink the random quarter of glass of wine every now and then, but only with food and only if I am not driving- I don' steal and I don' do drugs. I am even the sweetest girl with my grandparents, although they think I am a whore for the sole fact I am a female at the time of condoms and pills. I watch my neighbours' kids when they have an emergency, for free, and when my other neighbour came to me in the middle of the night because she was scared her place was going to be filled with rain water, I helped her, even if she has always been mean with my family.
So, yeah, I am a good person, al right.
I am a good person that sometimes- and i would love to Underline SOMETIMES- writes about sex between heterosexual adults who happen to be single and in love and not related. I don't think is dirt. Sex is the reason we all are here, and I don't write about sex with strangers, animals, relatives or underages.
And besides, I don't just write M rated stories- that are always - and again, ALWAYS- signaled in the summary as stories with sexual content. I write stories for kids too, full of sweetness and fluff and romance, so much that they are almost nauseating. Say a genre, any genre, and I have written it. Humor, parody, crime, fantasyn and yes, also erotic... I an eclectic. But it doesn't mean all my works are dirty or not good or that I am a bad person. I shouldn't be judged about what I write, this is fiction and I am not saying to do things against the law, all right? If you want to judge me, judge me for my rants here, that's all I am saying.
I don't know if the person I am thinking about will read it, but I just want to say that it hurt that she was such an enthusiastic follower of my first few stories and then stopped to read my all ages stories, and also complained about my "tendencies in writing".
Well, that's all folks, I guess.

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on the verge of a nervous breakdown, nervous as a girl can be, lack of sleep, lamentations, writing, rant

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