
Jan 14, 2006 08:48

Hi everyone... esp. notorious bd (thanks for the nudge)

I keep meaning to come and post here or at my other journal emzati/little_emsy, but you know... the computer is often the last place I want to be. When I do want to get online, Todd is here. He hasn't found work yet and I'm plugging away at this child care centre. I love the kids most of the time but I've become really dissatisfied. I've realised that I'm really truly ready to follow my dream - acting. I have an audition in a couple of weeks for a local production of Oliver! and I'm auditioning for pretty much anything else I can get to via train and bicycle.

I've read some pretty good books - I got into The DaVinci Code and recently finished Erica Jong's Inventing Memory. I'm currently in love with my ipod.

I've been thinking of you lot lately - esp. Sofia and Lauren. I've been so out of touch with everything. I don't even know what's happening in the world. I'm too concerned with my own nosy control-freak neighbours and dealing with 'when three-year-olds attack'. All this is going to change.
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