Sean A. Sole

Dec 17, 2005 14:37

Hi. This is hard.

For those of you who don't know on December 15th our friend Sean Alexander Sole passed away.
(I'm not going to tell the story on-line call me and I'll let you know)

His parents are going to comply with what he always wanted by skipping the funeral but instead having a big wake for him. So please call everyone you know who knew him and let them know.

It's going to be on December 27th 2005 at 6:00pm
It will be held at our place in NE Portland
321 NE Knott St. Portland OR, 97212

All I ask is that people write down stories or bring pictures so that we can present his mother with a scrap book.

If anybody needs ANYTHING give me a call (even if you don't need anything call me) @ 503-332-3192
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