Whilst my housemate slams doors around the house, and I contemplate my personal future, I've come across a series of questions that I find intreguing. Seeing as I have nothing better to do, I'll ask a few of them over the course of the next coupla days, and we'll see what answers y'all come up with.
You meet a wizard in downtown Chicago. The wizard tells you he can make you more attracitve if you pay him money. When you ask how this process works, the wizard points to a random person on the street. You look at this random stranger. The wizard says, "I will now make them a dollar more attractive." He waves his magic want. Ostensibly, this person does not change at all; as far as you can tell, nothing is different. But somehow -- this person is suddenly a little more appealing. The tangible difference is invisible to the naked eye, but you can't deny that this person is vaguely sexier. This wizard has a weird rule though -- you can only pay him once. You can't keep giving him money until you're satisfied. You can only pay him one lump sum up front. HOW MUCH CASH DO YOU GIVE THE WIZARD???
By the way, check this out.