As you well know, illness is a bitch. It makes you lethargic and unmotivated thus causing you to fall drastically behind with work /SAD FACE.
This displeases me. I'm sure i've griped loads before now about the insane workload I have for college - the reason for this is IT'S ONLY NQ LEVEL, there's no way there should be this much work. Even before I got ill I was beginning to struggle with the workload and meeting deadlines and i'm not the only one.
An example of what is expected of us in 12 weeks:
Animation Class
- 3000 word essay on tradition and computer animation
- Learn from scratch what animation is and how to do it.
- 2 animated pieces; one traditional, one computer. This involves writing and illustrating your piece to a complete standard.
Comics and Graphic Novels Class
- Create a comic book; Ink, Write and Colour the thing by yourself!
- A 1000+ word essay on the structure and development of comics and graphic novels
- Presentation of the above.
Web Content
- Learn HTML, CSS etc from scratch
- Write a 2000 word essay on the design process and language used in building a web site.
- Design a website for the NQ course.
Digital Imaging
- learn how to use photoshop
- 8 image exercises for assessment
- create a poster advertising a product
Drawing Class
- Draw various pieces in class
- 8 line drawings to be assessed
- 8 tonal drawings to be assessed
Digital Film
- direct and edit a 2 minute film
- find 10 videos on the net and write what you liked and didn't like about them
- choose three and their artists to write a 1500 word essay on
- 1500 on video formats
Now you decide if ALL of the above can be successfully completed in 12 bloody weeks. :/
Anyhoo enough of my bitching, i'm slowly getting through it though I'm convinced it's going to kill me :[
Yesterday I hung out with Lewis which was good fun. I've not seen him properly for months now! We laughed a lot, chatted and ate lunch before he came back to the house to see Mutti, Gondor and the animals. Thanks for a good time, Lewis :]
In other news - I'm off to Manchester for a couple of nights at the beginning of November to celebrate Maf's birthday. I've not seen him in a while and I'm quite looking forward to it. No missing college though, i'm heading down on Friday 6th Nov. after college finishes and coming back on the Sunday night. It's not long, but Maf and I don't need forever to have a good time :D
Later in the month I'm off to Nottingham to see James \o/ whom I miss very much, though we try to talk once a day at least! He's taken a couple of weeks of work, which is all kinds of awesome and we're heading off to see some friends in Wales for a few days. Going to see Nic and his girlfriend who we've known for a number of years now and though James and Nic have met, Nic and I have not, but it's about bloody time :p We're likely going to stay at theirs for a couple of days then head to a friend of James' from uni, who lives in Cardiff. We'll likely stay there a night then we're off to Swansea for a night in a hotel, to see Steve, Kita and Sam :] [more Warcraft mates] Should be really fun, assuming we don't get lost - rofl. James and his sense of direction in a country where the signs aren't always in English! Eek ;]
I'm sure we'll have a giggle and I'll do my best to photograph "all of every" as Maf would say :]
Right now I should really stop blathering on and get back to some work!