The Adventures of the Pifflemuss - Part I

Jan 09, 2005 15:29

As I said... using this for my outbursts of random written creativity. And by random, I do mean strange and bizarre - the likes of which people would probably check my sanity for.

This was inspired by what we did in a couple of music lectures last year, and Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky. I never knew how enjoyable making up random nonsense words were, even though I did a bit during the days I was writing Melodenia :)

A few things about the Pifflemuss:

The Pifflemuss, is a weeble glanger. And in being a snarb, it also likes to eat the sweet Lye Lye from its eternally beautiful habitat - known as the Wimmel.

'Twas midnight one fine day, when the Pifflemuss went skatching into the woods. Snaffling and goozleing here and there, he queegled with joy, dancing and bandering. He travelled far, sweating as the woods grew increasingly colder, for glangers like the Pifflemuss were very healthy. Feeling quite kwiley, he found the need to rest for the remainder of his journey...until suddenly, he heard a Glopper come smarking between the pitterkops! Marfed, he liffled away towards the glongerdips, and veeboed - shaking and gippering.

The Glopper, clawking and spickling as it drew nearer, caught the Pifflemuss' scent and cried "Sfpitch! Sfpitch!" knowing he had found a weeble glanger to prey on. Stealthily he meeped and eebed, snaffling around the glongerdips. Whatever would the Pifflemuss do?

To be continued...
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