Drama Oh Bring it On

Jul 17, 2005 09:05

The past couple of hours have been nothing but chaotic it seems. Where did it start? Oh yes yesterday in the afternoon I invited Dean over for some hot tub time for a little while it seemed like things were back to normal, you know he was the perfect knight in shinning armor thing and I was a beautiful princess. Getting out of the hot tub I got very sick though and cold he then raped me in my own bed room. Afterwards I didn't care about life much I mean apparently all I'm good for to the Willam's boys is a good rape so I got drunk with Emma and Alex, who seems really cool even if Jay is still in love with her. Some how someone suggested I call Jay and ask for a ride seeing none of us were in the best state of mind to drive. Then I cracked I guess in the car, after calling Jay things were a blur I mean this real big blur except I do remember seeing Jay, Alex, and myself kick Dean's ass until we got to this parking lot place outside this club. Alex and Jay were fighting well more like Jay was getting so upset so I took Emma with me and drove off they need to settle things and they weren't going to do that on their own time clocks. Home and everything afterwards was quite nice for sometime until I started feeling I mean horrible again. I then wound up here in the hospital sick with a major bad virus thanks a lot Jay, a bad asthma attack, and some dehydration issues wow I really did have a lot to drink I guess. They are probably going to let me out on Tuesday but people come visit me I know a certain someone with the initials JH owes me at least one hospital visit.
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