This weekend I shot a music video for the hottest new band since Bow Wow Wow; The Hot Puppies. I don't want to bore you with that though - I want to bore you with some other things. Firstly I am disappointed by nearly all of you for not even attempting my quiz even though I practically begged people to answer. Thank you
Jonny for giving it a go, and well done on getting the first one right. Also thank you
Caroline for inspiring the quiz in the first place.
The Answers!
I have written the following section upside down to prevent people accidentally seeing the answers before attempting the questions. I feel I should point out that this doesn't work with some older computer monitors as they tend to put the text back the right way. If you have any problems then let me know.
Answer 1.
This one was the easiest one. I passed my "Driving Theory Test".
Answer 2.
This one was a little harder but probably still answerable.
Awnser 3.
This one is the hardest and probably the most interesting of all. I was of course inventing my own numeral system. The Icosimal* system. This number system is based on 20 figures rather than the 10 we are used to. It is therefore slightly more efficient (sort of) but not at all practical. It is more interesting than all the other number systems I know because it uses a whole new set of characters which I made up.
If you look at the top of the image on my previous entry you can see some examples of decimal to icosimal conversions. Underneath that is the key to understanding my new characters and their values. Underneath that is the scribbling I did when trying to make up all the different characters. Why did I do it? Because i wanted to do some sort of maths for a change. My mathematical/scientific and artistic/creative sides have always been quite balanced although I always found the art stuff more rewarding and have since let it take over. It feels good to give my brain a workout every now and then.
*Icosimal is Greek even though I think my numeral system should technically be called Vigesimal which is latin. I simply preferred the sound of Icosimal and decided I can call it what I like because I made it up.
Before you say, "You didn't make it up. In fact the ancient Maya civilization based their numeral system on 20 and they aren't the only ones. The Welsh for example..." you should know that I am aware of this, but was not at the time when I "invented" this numeral system and just because it already exists or has already existed does not change the fact that I made it up. Any questions? Watch me play a trick on some unobservant people who don't care much about numeral systems (even though they are quite interesting) and have decided to skip to the end. Anybody who replies to the question at the end of this entry is a big idiot with no brains in their head. I'm actually impressed you're still reading this as it's not something that I'd expect many people to be interested in. But then I suppose you are just one person rather than many people aren't you? Aren't you?
Yes I mean you. Who else?
By the way, does anyone know if Shrek 2 is worth watching?
Sincerely yours,
Mr. S. R. Ekers B.A.
Chairman of the Society of Honourable and Interesting Things.