Apr 11, 2006 16:46
Well just got of then phone with a company that was interested in my resume (monster.com be praised) for a position they have available. Its going to be a part time position at $12 and hour and 20 hours a week for Monday threw Thursday 8 am till 1 pm, which just fucking rocks. Will have Friday, Saturday and Sunday days off, good pay, with short hours the days I do work, and ill have the time to start school like I want too.
All it in tales is fixing point of sales machines like cash registers and atm's and what not around the area, which they train you how to do, there location as far as I know is right next to west shore mall, not sure if you do any traveling to diff location as your hours are only 5 a day, but hey even so it would be nice to get out =)
Got two interviews to go too, one tomorrow and one on Thursday which if they like me I could start as soon as Monday so YAY to possible gainful employment once again.
(Crossing my fingers)