Jan 31, 2006 09:31

so i get to work today and logon to my computer and begin my daly patrol of webcomics and email when what do i find in my hotmail acount?

Dear Aaron,

Welcome to the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE Stormreach Beta program!

thats right i have a beta account for D&d online YAY!!!!!! im so fucking excited yet so ashamed lol. im such a dork some times. been waiting for this since agust 15 of last year when i applyed and been checking the site every day. for thos of you who are interested this is the site: http://www.ddo.com/index.php

there is a free 10day beta pass for those that preorder the game as well but since i applyed in the begining mine has no time limit. WOOT!

so in translation: Dork,da dork,dork,geek,dork,geek,geek!!!
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