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sarsalot June 8 2006, 05:10:40 UTC
A few years (at some point within the last decade, can't remember a specific year) back the government ran a memorable ad campaign featuring a man having a melanoma cut out of his nose and then having the skin replaced, with the (charming) message "[be sun smart] or you'll end up wearing your bum on your face."
Er..."slip slop slap" (slip on a shirt/slop on suncreen/slap on a hat) was everywhere. Posters on the wall at school, that sort of thing. At my (public) primary school, and I think at most schools, the teachers won't let you play in the sun unless you have a hat on.
There was also M.A.D (Melanoma Awareness Day), sort of along the lines of Daffodil day. We sold little badges saying "M.A.D" with a sun-sensitive spot that would change colours if you stayed out in the sun for too long.
I remember learning somewhere along the line that skin cancer was the most common cancer in Australia, but I can't remember where.
Doctors' offices will often have posters about skin cancer, which are basically pictures of different types of cancers, how to identify a possible cancer, the effects of that type, prevention - and the ubiquitous slip/slop/slap posters, of course.


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