I am working on a sort of spy-spoof story. I won't give details, as it is fairly long and intricate. But i need help on what mines or plants processing minerals (one of the clues in the story is a new silicon-like mineral called "cauxite", and its kind of central to the plot, even if i'm not sure how yet XD). What do such plants look/smell like?
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http://www.calflora.net/bloomingplants/glasswort.html - Here's a random page found via google.
As for the scrambling codes, do you mean that it will scramble other people's passwords and permissions on their computers? Or does it just create random codes?
If it's the first, you could have troubles with this system being used ala a virus to invisibly make the user of the system the administrator of thousands of computers. Connect that network with someone who does spam or do a denial of service attack on Government X, and you've got a pretty nasty system set up. It's - not too plausible that you could get acess just using the system.
As for the random code one, you could use social engineering to encourage people to use these lovely random codes (perhaps convienently remembered at a website / through a program). If these codes and what they did were stored, you'd again get access.
You could also claim that it could hack into computers via testing hundreds of codes on any password prompt. Many websites lock people out after X number of attempts to prevent this, or they have visual recognition systems (type the letters seen in this picture, or the word from this sound file).
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