Military in the field - ID issues

Apr 30, 2019 05:40

This is a fantasy story set in a secondary world. The army in question is vaguely reminiscent of the Napoleonic army, but the country it belongs to is definitely and defiantly a republic (so - no nobles pulling rank ( Read more... )

~etiquette & manners, ~espionage, ~military (misc), ~history (misc), ~assassins & hitmen, 1800s (no decades given), 1700s (no decades given)

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tabaqui May 4 2019, 15:42:28 UTC
What is communication like in this world? Since there is magic, can anyone speak to anyone (regular anyone) or is that only reserved for super-special magic users? Do they have telegraph service or some such?

At this point, if Lt. S actually thinks the General is a traitor, spy, or etc., he would gather up the survivors and march them back to his command (Point B), and put them under arrest (though, depending on the civility of this world, etc., with medical attention and food, water. A lot of old-timey prisoners were given fancy rooms, lavish food, and clothing, because a) they would bribe people and/or have ransom money or b) it was how you did it, not to be a jerk and mean and mistreat high-ranking prisoners). He would have a detail go and gather up the dead and all the abandoned stuff (if any), and the dead would be examined, pertinent stuff removed, and then buried as quickly as the weather/embalming (yes no?) dictated. Or they would be boxed up for shipping back to 'Headquarters' and/or their families.

Lt. S would communicate in the quickest way possible with the closest superior to him, either Point A or a more distant headquarters, with all the relevant info and 'who the hell are these people' questions.

Lt. S would most likely send a scouting party to see where/who/what the 'attackers' were, if they left anything behind, the size of their party, if they had a camp nearby, left a trail, etc.

Lt. S would put Point B on alert, make sure guards were aware and possibly add a few more, and in general buckle down and get careful. He would also question the general as well as he could re: medical issues, and demand proofs/info/etc.

It's possible they have a code word(s), phrase, or coin, etc., that would help him to know the General is on his side, something that is updated via dispatch monthly, weekly, whatever (depending, again, on communication speeds and the size of the kingdom).

That's all i can think of. :D


marycatelli May 4 2019, 23:09:47 UTC
Also, once the entire post is alert, having someone be able to recognize the general is not that odd of a coincidence. . . .

Much depends on where the story should go.


tabaqui May 5 2019, 03:50:55 UTC
That's true!


rusquen May 5 2019, 03:41:20 UTC
To: tabaqui
Yeah, the communication on this world is late 18th century for most intents and purposes :)

The problem I'm having with the general's arrest is that, given the numbers and his magic, putting him under arrest in that fortress is an equivalent of politely inviting an armed robber into your house to wait until police arrives. If he's hostile, there is some chance of keeping him out if they lock the gate and call for reinforcements, but once he's in, the fortress is his and getting him out will be a major pain.
But maybe I'm overthinking it. Or Lt.S is. Come to think of it, the general's magic would actually kinda corroborate his identity - there aren't exactly herds of magicians running around.
So maybe if Lt.S sees a) magic, b) uniform, and c) a signet ring, he can decide something along the lines of "well, it's most likely our general, and if it's not we're utterly screwed anyway and can't do much about it" and let them in.

Anyway, thanks for the response, it's very helpful to know what a normal procedure would be otherwise!


tabaqui May 5 2019, 03:52:57 UTC
No worries!
I was also thinking that, if they do realize/acknowledge that the General is 'their' general, it's likely the Lt. would defer to him, after, as far as orders and stuff. Not always, and not if the general made it clear he was leaving it all in the Lt's hands, but it's possible he'd just sort of take over as a matter of course for as long as he was there (if he were able to ).


tabaqui June 18 2019, 17:56:15 UTC
> The problem I'm having with the general's arrest is that, given the
> numbers and his magic, putting him under arrest in that fortress is an
> equivalent of politely inviting an armed robber into your house to wait > until police arrives. If he's hostile, there is some chance of keeping
> him out if they lock the gate and call for reinforcements, but once he's > in, the fortress is his and getting him out will be a major pain.

If the lieutenant is being prudently paranoid, he might:

a) bring the survivors just outside the front gate

b) send a runner to fetch the post CO and his escort - emergency.

c) send a runner to fetch the doctor

d) restrain the prisioners' hands and feet. Optionally, gag them as well.

e) order the sergeant to put his weapon at the general's throat/eye/ear, with instructions to ""kill him if he does something suspicious"

f) search all four bodies


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