Setting: Fandom tangental, but the only relevant part is that it's just like our world until the late 1990's, where the whole world is united basically overnight into a largely peacful magical kingdom. From there I'm taking a sci-fi route and throwing people onto multiple generation/colony ships and sending them out into the universe, never to
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It's entirely voluntary, and everyone will know going in that the colonies will be leaving the solar system permanently; there will be no coming back ever. I don't think arranging for someone to go on the hajj in their place will hold up.
Do you think it's reasonable for the spacegoers to modify their version of Islam to keep to the spirit? There will be a complete break from Earth, so attitudes there won't really matter in the long run. Or will most choose to stay on Earth, and it becomes a question of cultural influence rather than religious?
I mean, to put in perspective, right now, there are people who think Muslim women who don't wear a hijab aren't "real" Muslims. This extends to all religions. Right now, American sociopolitical culture is tremendously divided on who or what are "real" Christians due to the cultural emphasis of this year's election. Catholicism is technically a denomination of Christianity, yet many Christians insist Catholics are heretics, not Christians, and basically the equivalent of being another religion entirely (on par with Jews, Muslims, etc.) - and this conflict was happening even before Mormons came into the pictures. Some people consider Mormons to still be Christians; others don't. Are Catholics who don't follow the Pope still ( ... )
So maybe Muslims on another planet (if it's a planet with a breathable environment, or has a big biodome somewhere) will spend a day in a tent out in the wilderness in prayer, meditate on a hill, gather pebbles to throw at some symbol of the devil, "sacrifice" meat* (i.e. dedicate meat rations to god, then give it away instead of eating it themselves), get a haircut, and run counter-clockwise around a big rock seven times. They will consider themselves to still be Muslims/to be "real" Muslims. About half the ones back home on Earth will agree, and the other half won't, which is pretty much how most religions in the world work, anyway.
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