Did WWII service numbers change upon promotion from an Enlisted Soldier to Officer?

Dec 30, 2014 17:38

I have a lot of information on what service numbers looked like if a solider enlisted or was drafted into the US Army in WWII, and what officer ASNs were like. But, what if a soldier enlisted (joining the army as a Private), and then was promoted to an officer later on?

I have a soldier from New York (Steve Rogers, MCU) who voluntarily enlisted as a private. After a series of bullshit politics and shenanigans, he was promoted straight to Captain (which I know is impossible, but it's canon and there were Senators pulling strings involved, so...*handwaves that bit*). Seeing as the official dog tags provided by Marvel are complete nonsense, I'm trying to figure out what his service number would actually be.

He's enlisted in late 1942/early 1943 (official canon is mid-1943, but timeline makes more sense if it's just a few months earlier in late 1942). Since he enlisted voluntarily in New York, his service number would start with a 12*. My question is, what would change once he became an officer?

Would a 0 just be attached to the existing service number? Would the 12 be dropped, and the 0 added to the front of the remaining number? Would the number stay the same completely? Or would he just get a new number altogether? I've been looking around everywhere for this, and I can't find anything on the impact of noncom-to-officer promotions on service numbers. (Unless I'm misunderstanding the ASN/rank structure or promotion process entirely?)

* = As I understand it, the six digits after the two-digit geographic-induction code were just a random personal identifier - but was there some kind of system to how the numbers were assigned, i.e. date of enlistment/draft, SSN, etc.?

1940-1949, usa: history: world war ii, usa: military: historical

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