Wearing armor in the cold

Nov 01, 2014 20:58

Say you're stuck out in the snow in very cold conditions (20-30*s F). You're wearing chain mail, some sort of breastplate, a tabard, a thin cloak, gloves, what looks like boxers and an undershirt, and not a whole lot else. (This is fanfic, for a very non-historically accurate fandom, so I don't have much control over the character's outfit.) You're going to be walking about five miles. Is it better to go out with the chain mail/breastplate on, or remove it and just wear the cloth items? On the one hand I feel like the armor's wind protection would be valuable, but on the other hand I keep imagining that scene with the kid licking the pole from A Christmas Story. I do need him to survive the trek (although a little hypothermia is fine). Thoughts?

Terms searched: variations on "wearing armor/chainmail in the cold". This site was somewhat helpful but doesn't discuss what happens when you don't have proper underthings.

~wilderness survival, ~middle ages, ~clothing

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