[ANON POST] Medieval Winter Travel

Oct 15, 2014 19:51

Part of the plot in my story revolves around the fact that my characters really need to travel to a specific place - but they live in a very snowy, northern climate, and when the story opens winter is already closing in. To make matters worse, there's a mountain range between them and their intended destination, which they can theoretically travel ( Read more... )

1100-1199, ~animals: horses, 1000-1099, 1200-1299, ~travel: pre-modern overland, ~middle ages

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transemacabre October 17 2014, 06:34:15 UTC
In 1936, the Lykov family holed up in the remote mountains in southern Siberia, remaining isolated from society for an astonishing 42 years. Until they were discovered in the 1970s, these people didn't even know WW2 had happened. Anyway, the reason I'm bringing them up is because the Lykovs learned to survive in some of the most brutal territory imaginable. They didn't have guns or even bows and arrows. Dmitri Lykov used to run animals to the ground, that is, he'd chase a deer until it collapsed from exhaustion, kill the animal, then carry it on his shoulders back home. He ran barefoot in all weather and could sleep outside in 40 degrees of frost. The pots and pans they brought with them rusted into nothingness, and they cooked using birch bark. In comparison, medieval people lived in luxury. The last survivor of this family, Agafia Lykova, still lives on the mountain and the documentaries on her go into a lot of detail as to how she and her family lived.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt2AYafET68 VICE documentary


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